Taxonomic list T4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

neuron associationis

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Current level neuron associationis
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Taxonomic list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
neuron associationis
association neuron
8014 part
neuron associationis cornus posterioris ; neuron propriospinale cornus dorsalis
association neuron of posterior horn of spinal cord; propriospinal neuron of dorsal horn
7837 part
neuron propriospinale breve laminae spinalis V
short propriospinal neuron of spinal layer V
7838 part
neuron propriospinale breve laminae spinalis VI
short propriospinal neuron of spinal layer VI
7853 part
neuron associationis zonae intermediae ; neuron propriospinale zonae intermediae
association neuron of intermediate zone; propriospinal neuron of intermediate zone
7854 part
neuron propriospinale breve laminae spinalis VII
short propriospinal neuron of spinal layer VII
7855 part
neuron propriospinale intermedium laminae spinalis VII
intermediate propriospinal neuron of spinal layer VII
7856 part
neuron propriospinale longum laminae spinalis VII
long propriospinal neuron of spinal layer VII
7871 part
neuron associationis cornus anterioris ; neuron associationis cornus ventralis ; neuron propriospinale cornus anterioris ; neuron propriospinale cornus ventralis
association neuron of anterior horn of spinal cord; association neuron of ventral horn; propriospinal neuron of anterior horn of spinal cord ; propriospinal neuron of ventral horn
7872 part
neuron propriospinale longum laminae spinalis VIII
long propriospinal neuron of spinal layer VIII
9155 part
neuron associationis isocorticis
association neuron of isocortex
8817 part
neuron pyramidale parvum isocorticis
small pyramidal neuron of isocortex ; small pyramidal cell of isocortex
12 items
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
According to Kuypers HGJM (1981, Anatomy of the descending pathways. Chapter 13 in Hb Physiol, The Nervous System II. American Physiological Society, Bethesda, MD), propriospinal neurons, the intermediates between descending pathways and spinal motoneurons, can be subdivided into three groups: 1) Short propriospinal neurons with cell bodies located in the lateral parts of Laminae V-VII, with a range of 6-8 segments; 2) Intermediate propriospinal neurons with cell bodies mainly in the central part of Lamina VII, and axons extending over a subtotal number of cord segments (C>L; Th>S); 3) Long propriospinal neurons with cell bodies in the medial part of Lamina VII and in Lamina VIII, and extending over the whole extent of spinal cord segments.
See note # 22578
Type of list T4
List Unit Identifier 22583
Number of children 11 (validated)
Number of units 12 (validated)
Signature 2100 (validated since 4.12.2018)
Date: 09.07.2024